
圣经 & 神学

Change your future one class at a time.



As life changes, Scripture will guide your path.


As the world changes, God's Word will give you a biblical worldview


As you lead in your church, you will know how to study the 圣经 yourself


As life goes on, you will be transformed by God's word to you


DCC faculty care about what you know and what you become. A 1:10 professor/student ratio allows them to know you as a person.


教授 seek to go beyond the classroom to help you understand your calling and to prepare you for it. Some faculty are full-time and others are part time, bringing their experience from the field into the DCC classroom.


DCC educates and mentors people to be leaders, including concentrations in leadership and mentors who lead in their field.


我们注重领导力发展. We want our students to graduate with a humble servant’s heart ready to assume leadership roles in their church, 社区, 和职业. All students are provided opportunities to engage with faculty and professionals who challenge them to explore their unique gifts so they can realize their full potential. 文化能力等课程, 一些实习课程, and internships give students real-world experience with feedback on how they can be effective leaders.

指导 & 网络

学生 are mentored by peers and professionals as well as learning to be mentors.


This unique program allows students to receive and provide mentorship – both internally and externally – every year at Dallas Christian. Community leaders pour into students’ lives, resulting in personal and professional development.

你好 & 欢迎

欢迎来到圣经 & DCC神学系. Regardless of what you come to study at DCC, you will also be studying the 圣经. Most programs include a second major in 圣经, and the degree completion programs include a minor in 圣经.

Are you concerned that you are a novice to the 圣经? Our team of professors know and love God’s word and want to help you know it and love it as well. You will start with classes that give you an overview of the 圣经. You will build from there to learn how to study the 圣经 for yourself, with help from Logos® 圣经 Study software.

Your study of the 圣经 will help you answer questions like, “Who am I?” and will help you know what God has called you to be and to do.


马克Hahlen | mhahlen@malayadesigns.net
Ph. D. 圣经讲席 & 神学部门




a和B之间的区别.S. 和B.A. 12学时的希腊语是多少. In a biblical languages minor, you will study Greek and Hebrew



Scholars teach 新约 classes beyond the requirements that can take you deeper in your study of this literature.



Scholars teach 基督教的《老品牌信誉平台排行榜》 classes beyond the requirements that allow you to go deeper into this literature.



Christian 神学, Apologetics, and Ethics plus special topics in 神学.


Degree completion is a special degree category that allows you to finish a bachelor’s degree with a 圣经 minor rather than a 圣经 major. In terms of credit-hours, that means 18 hours vs. 30 hours—saving you about a semester as well as the cost of those 12 extra hours. 更快更便宜. If you qualify and need to get done as quickly as possible, degree completion is your best plan.


Why is a 圣经 Major or Minor Required?

A 圣经 major or minor is one of the best possible ways to prepare a person for the workplace and the current world. Surveys indicate that one of the key skills employers look for in employees is critical thinking. Studying the 圣经 builds critical thinking skills and encourages clear articulation of thought through writing—another skill for which employers are looking. Studying Scripture is also foundational to answering questions about who you are and what you were created to do. Answering questions like that help students establish their worldview. To be able to lead within today’s world, current and future leaders must know important truths such as “God created us in His image” and how to apply those truths as the world continues to change. DCC的毕业生准备领导.

How many credit hours are required to graduate?
Each major requires 120 credit hours to graduate. Be sure to click on the course details button next to the concentration you are interested in to see all the courses you will need to graduate.
Academic Honors scholars receive up to $15,000 per year toward tuition, room, and board. The scholarship includes all forms of DCC awards for which the student is eligible. At DCC we want to honor students who are committed to becoming servant leaders who will make a positive difference in the world in whatever career they choose. This scholarship is to honor those with solid grades and servant hearts who want to lead. Recipients are expected to be actively engaged as student leaders within the department awarding the scholarship and to demonstrate Christlike character in the DCC 社区. | 了解更多

